
In deze rubriek worden de eenentachtig proefschriften die onder mijn leiding tot stand zijn gekomen kort beschreven met hun bibliografische details. Een groot deel van deze proefschriften is digitaal beschikbaar. Bijvoorbeeld door te zoeken op het vermelde ISBN-nummer.

Afb promotie prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, 1980

Dissertations finished 2009 – 2018

1. Dissertations in preparation (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

  • 81. Berg, Vera van der (2018). SmartMoves: on movement and cognitive performance in schoolkids aged 8-14. Promotores: prof. dr. Mai Chin A Paw, prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and prof. dr. Renate de Groot (Open University); copromotor dr. Amika Singh. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

2. Dissertations 2012 – 2018 (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

  • 80. Tetering, Marleen van (2018). Neurocognitive performance and curiosity in primary school children. Promotor: prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, copromotor: prof. dr. Renate de Groot (OU). Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • 79. Boerma, Inouk (12-12-2016). Setting the scene for story engagement. On determinants of primary school children’s reading enjoyment and comprehension. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, copromotor dr. Suzanne Mol. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6332-095-5.
  • 78. Heyden, Karin Vander (24-11-2016). Development and Training of Spatial Ability in Children. Promotor prof. dr. Lydia Krabbendam, prof. dr. Jelle Jolles: copromotor dr. Mariette Huizinga. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978 94 6332 088 7
  • 77. Wassenberg, Stephanie (26-04-2016). Children’s reading for meaning. A situation model perspective on deep text comprehension. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles; copromotores dr. M. van der Schoot, dr. B. de Koning. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-028-0105-7
  • 76. Plukaard, Sarah (07-09-2015).The Fatigued Brain: Fatigue and Cognitive Functions in Young Adults. Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and prof. dr. Lydia Krabbendam. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-90-6464-888-5.
  • 75. Derks, Jeffrey (27-05-2015). Adolescent social cognition. Development and individual differences. Promotores prof. dr. Lydia Krabbendam and prof. dr. Jelle Jolles. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6259-673-3
  • 74. Boonen, Anton (12-3-2015). Comprehend, Visualize & Calculate: Solving mathematical word problems in contemporary math education. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, copromotor dr. Menno van der Schoot. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6259-564-4.
  • 73. Reed, Helen (30-6-2014). Mathematical Thinking, Learning and Performance:: Insights and interventions for primary and secondary education. Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and prof. dr. Paul Kirschner (Open University Heerlen). Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6259-186-8.
  • 72. Veroude, Kim (26-11-2013). The academic brain: Social and cognitive development across adolescence. Promotores prof. dr. Lydia Krabbendam and prof. dr. Jelle Jolles. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-90-5383-021-5.
  • 71. Dekker, Sanne (01-11-2013). BRAIN LESSONS. Neuropsychological insights and interventions for secondary education. Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and prof. dr. Lydia Krabbendam. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-907-557-965-9.
  • 70. Boschloo, Annemarie (11-12-2012). School performance in adolescents: an educational neuropsychology perspective. Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and prof. dr. Lydia Krabbendam. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-90-755-7959-8.
  • 69. Lee, Nikki (09-11-2012). Changing choices: a neurocognitive examination of decision-making during adolescence Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and prof. dr. Lydia Krabbendam, copromotor dr. Renate de Groot, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. ISBN: 798-90-75579-60-4.
  • 68. Klaassen, Elissa (26-09-2012). Cognition and the Middle-Aged Brain fatigue and caffeine effects: Functional MRI studies examining demand, fatigue and caffeine effects. Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and prof. dr. Dick Veltman, copromotores dr. Renate de Groot, dr. Lisbeth Evers. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-907-557-958-1.

3. Dissertations 2009 – 2012 (Universiteit Maastricht)

  • 67. Martens, Rosa. (18-10-2012). What counts? Cognitive development and arithmetical performance: the role of child- and environment-related factors. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, copromotor dr. Petra Hurks. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN: 978-90-75579-63-5
  • 66. Schiepers, Olga (21-12-2011). Cognitive aging and nutrition. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, copromotores dr. Renate de Groot, dr. Martin van Boxtel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 978-90-75579-54-3.
  • 65. Jacobs, Heidi (06-07-2011). Parietal Matters in Early Alzheimer’s Disease: Evidence from Structural and Functional MRI. Promotores dr. prof. Jelle Jolles and prof. dr. Frans Verhey, copromotor dr. Martin van Boxtel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-51-2.
  • 64. Hoogenhout, Esther (16-12-2010). Perceived cognitive problems in young-old adults. Contextual factors, assessment, and intervention. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, copromotores dr. Renate de Groot and dr. Wim van der Elst. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-49-9.
  • 63. Keulers, Esther (03-12-2010). The adolescent brain. Neurocognitive development and subject-related factors. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles; copromotor dr. Peter Stiers. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97894-61590-10-7.
  • 62. Smeets, Floortje (11-06-2010). Cognitive aging and functional compensation. Evidence from brain imaging studies. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles; copromotores dr. M. van Boxtel and dr. Eric Vuurman. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-45-1.
  • 61. Burgmans, Saartje (12-05-2010) Linking cognitive and cerebral aging. Evidence from structural and functional MRI. Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and prof. Harry Uylings; copromotores dr. Martin van Boxtel and dr. Eric Vuurman. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-44-4.
  • 60. Baars, Lia (17-12-2009). Epidemiological studies into prodromes and risk factors for cognitive dementia. Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, and prof. Frans Verhey, copromotor dr. Martin van Boxtel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-43-7.
  • 59. Braek, Dymphie in de (17-09-2009). Attentional disorders in adults: determinants and interventions. Promotor prof. dr. Jelle Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-40-7.
  • 58. Moresi, Sophie (16-04-2009). Preparing for action. A behavioural and pupillometic study. Promotores prof. dr. Jelle Jolles and dr. J. Jos Adam. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-81404-91-4.

4. Dissertations 2006 – 2008 (Universiteit Maastricht)

  • 57. Ramakers, Inez (25-09-2008). Prodromal Alzheimer’s disease in subjects with mild cognitive impairment: predictive and diagnostic aspects. Promotores prof. dr. F.R.J.Verhey and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-90232-26-3.
  • 56. Meijs, Celeste (12-06-2008). Verbal learning in school-aged children and the influence of child-related factors, test-related factors and natural context. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles, dr. P. Hurks. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-50-5.
  • 55. Tremmery, Sabine (17-12-2007). The clinical symptomatology and comorbidity of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in a healthy school population. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, prof. dr. J. Buitelaar, prof dr G. Molenberghs. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-441-22-54-1.
  • 54. Marchetta, Nathalie (29-11-2007). Cognitive processes in adults with ADHD. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and dr. P. Hurks. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-35-2.
  • 53. Geusgens, Chantal (03-10-2007). Transfer of cognitive strategy training after stroke: no place like home?. Promotores prof. dr. W. Van den Heuvel and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Copromotor dr. C. van Heugten. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-34-5.
  • 52. Wassenberg, Renske (06-07-2007). Differential cognitive development: A neuropsychological approach. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. J. Vles, copromotores dr. P. Hurks, and dr. J. Hendriksen. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-33-8.
  • 51. Feron, Frans (09-02-2007). Studies on neurodevelopmental issues in children. Promotores prof. dr. H. Vles and prof. dr. J.Jolles; copromotor dr. J. Hendriksen. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-90215-21-1.
  • 50. Mol, Martine (19-01-2007). Forgetfulness in healthy older adults: determinants and interventions. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-31-4.
  • 49. Meijer, Willemien (22-12-2006). Cognitive Aging: Effects of education and task demands. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotores dr. R. de Groot and dr. P. Van Gerven. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-30-7.
  • 48. Elst, Wim van der (12-10-2006). The neuropsychometrics of aging: normative studies in the Maastricht Aging Study. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. M. van Boxtel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN: 97890-75579-29-1.
  • 47. Evers, Lisbeth (28-09-2006). Serotonin and cognitive flexibility. Neuroimaging studies into the effect of acute tryptophan depletion in healthy volunteers. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. F. van der Veen. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 97890-75579-28-4.
  • 46. Slegers, Karin (18-05-2006). Successful cognitive aging: the use of computers and the Internet to support autonomy in later life. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and dr. M.P.J. van Boxtel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-26-8.

5. Dissertations 2003 – 2005 (Universiteit Maastricht)

  • 45. Günther, Thomas (21-12-2005). Attentional dysfunctions and its pharmacological modulation in childhood psychiatric disorders. Evidence from neuropsychological studies. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof Dr. B. Herpertz-Dahlmann , copromotor dr. K. Konrad. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-25-X.
  • 44. Hooren, Susan van (16-12-2004). Successful cognitive aging. Executive functioning, determinants, and interventions. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. M. van Boxtel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-23-3.
  • 43. Valentijn, Suzanne (16-12-2004). Successful cognitive aging. Memory, determinants, and interventions. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. M. van Boxtel and dr. R.Ponds. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-22-5
  • 42. Aalten, Pauline (08-10-2004). Behavioral problems in dementia. Course and risk factors. Promotores prof. dr. F.R.J. Verhey and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-20-9.
  • 41. Vugt, Marjolein de (15-09-2004). Behavioural problems in dementia. Caregiver issues. Promotores prof. dr. F.R.J. Verhey and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-19-5.
  • 40. Lamers, Caroline (14-05-2004). Influence of marijuana (THC) and ecstasy (MDMA) on cognitive function and driving performance. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and dr. J. Ramaekers. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-18-7
  • 39. Keulen, Ron (15-04-2004). Distractor interference in selective reaching: an experimental study. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, prof. dr. H. Kuipers, copromotor dr. J. Adam. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-70246-53-8
  • 38. Vuurman, Eric (01-04-2004). Issues in pharmacopsychology. Modelling effects in Driving and Cognition. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-17-9
  • 37. Jorissen, Brenda (17-12-2003). Experimental Nutrition and Cognition. Influence of dietary phospholipids and proteins on performance. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. W. Riedel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-16-0.
  • 36. Groot, Renate de (06-11-2003). Fatty acids, pregnancy and cognition. Promotores prof. dr. G. Hornstra and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-70245- 46-5.
  • 35. Hurks, Petra (03-10-2003). The influence of environment, behavior, and attention deficits on cognitive development in school-aged children. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. J.S.H. Vles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-5278-391-8.
  • 34. Vermeeren, Annemiek (09-05-2003). Hypnotics and antihistamines. Effects on cognitive functions and driving performance. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. J.F. O’Hanlon. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-15-2.
  • 33. Tisserand, Danielle (06-02-2003). Structural and functional changes underlying cognitive aging. Evidence from neuroimaging studies. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. M. van Boxtel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-14-4.

6. Dissertations 2000 – 2002 (Universiteit Maastricht)

  • 32. Stapert, Sven (29-11-2002). The impact of a single mild traumatic brain injury on neurocognitive performance. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. P. Houx. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-90164-23-5.
  • 31. Hartog, Mariska den (21-11-2002). Cognitive performance in depression patterns and determinants. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN: 90-9016302-6.
  • 30. Kalff, Ariane (12-09-2002). Neurocognitive Performance and Demographic Variables in Children at risk of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. H. Vles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-13-6.
  • 29. Kroes, Marielle (14-06-2002). Early motor, psychosocial and behavioural characteristics of Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. Promotores prof. dr. J. Vles and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-56811-33-9.
  • 28. Schmitt, Jeroen (01-06-2001). Serotonin, caffeine and cognition. Psychopharmacological studies in human cognitive functioning. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. W. Riedel. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-12-8.
  • 27. Werf, Ysbrand van der (13-12-2000). The thalamus and memory. Contributions to medial temporal and prefrontal memory processes. Promotores prof. dr. M.P.Witter (VUA), prof. dr. J. Jolles, prof. Philip Scheltens and prof. dr. H.B.M. Uylings. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • 26. Visser, Pieter Jelle (20-09-2000). Predictors of Alzheimer type dementia in subjects with mild cognitive impairment. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, copromotor dr. F.R.J.Verhey. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-11-X.
  • 25. Krabbendam, Lydia (09-06-2000). Cognitive functions in schizophrenia. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-10-1.
  • 24. Hofman, Paul (18-05-2000). Brain imaging in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Neuropsychiatric disorders. Promotores prof. dr. J.T Wilmink and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-90136-54-1.

7. Dissertations 1995 – 1999 (Universiteit Maastricht)

  • 23. Groot, Jan-Cees de (24-03-1999). Consequences of cerebral white matter lesions. A longitudinal population-based MRI-study. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. A. Hofman (EUR) copromotor dr. M.M.B. Breteler. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. ISBN 90-90124-72-1.
  • 22. Ramaekers, Jan (19-11-1998). Behavioural Toxicity of Medicinal Drugs. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. J.F. O’Hanlon. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-07-1.
  • 21. Prickaerts, Jos (29-10-1998). Memory formation, neurodegenaration and drugs. Behavioral, neurochemical and neuroanatomical investigations in the rat. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. H. Steinbusch. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-08-X.
  • 20. Ponds, Rudolf (10-12-1998). Forgetfulness and Cognitive Aging. Prevalence, characteristics, and determinants. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-09-8.
  • 19. Hogervorst, Eef (02-04-1997). Age-related cognitive decline and cognition enhancers. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-06-3.
  • 18. Boxtel, Martin van (16-05-1997). Physical health, vascular risk factors, and age-related cognitive decline. Studies into physical determinants of normal cognitive aging. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-04-7.
  • 17. Klein, Martin (11-04-1997). Cognitive aging, attention and mild traumatic brain injury. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-05-5.
  • 16. Dijkstra, Jeanette (04-04-1997). An operation under general anaesthesia and cognitive ageing. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-03-9.
  • 15. Riedel, Wim (17-11-1995). Cognition enhancing drugs. Cholinergic function and age-related decline. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-75579-02-0.
  • 14. McCalley, Teddy (06-06-1995). Visual selective attention and Ageing. Promotores prof. dr. D. Bouwhuis and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Eindhoven.
  • 13. Abbenhuis, Marja (31-05-1995). Perceptual identification in normal aging, dementia of the Alzheimer type, and depression. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. J. Raaijmakers. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-9008190-9.

8. Dissertations 1986 – 1994 (Universiteit Maastricht)

  • 12. Verhey, Frans (27-10-1993). Dementia, depression and forgetfulness. Clinical studies of the early diagnosis and the differential diagnosis of dementia. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. H.W. van Praag. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-52780-97-8.
  • 11. Vreeling, Fred (07-10-1993). Primitive Reflexes in healthy adults and neurological patients. A methodological and clinical study. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. J. Troost. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN: 90-90063-75-7.
  • 10. Commissaris, Kees (04-06-1993). Voorlichting over geheugenproblemen en dementie. Maastricht University. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. G. Kok. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-90061-43-6.
  • 9. Terwel, Dick (5-11-1992). Vasopressin in the Brain and Plasma of the Aging Rat. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-5278-044-7.
  • 8. Bothmer, John (26-11-1992). Phosphoinositides, Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-5278-046-3.
  • 7. Hijman, Ron (16-10-1992). Desglycinamide-(ARG8-) Vasopressin in Patients with Memory Disturbances. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles, prof. dr. J.M. van Ree, prof. dr. D. de Wied. Universiteit Utrecht.
  • 6. Blokland, Arjan (18-9-1992). Animal Models of Cognitive Aging and Dementia in the Rat. Problems and perspectives. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-52780-33-1.
  • 5. Plugge, Leo (5 -3-1992). EVINCE: A Neuropsychiatric Desktop Expert System for the Diagnosis of Dementia. Promotores prof. dr. J. Jolles and prof. dr. A. Hasman. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-52910-72-3.
  • 4. Houx, Peter (17 10-1991). Cognitive Ageing and Health-Related Factors. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-9004338-1.
  • 3. Bohnen, Nico (5-9-1991). Mild Head Injury and Postconcussive Sequelae. A Study of Brain and Behaviour Relationships. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-90043-34-9.
  • 2. Staay, Frans Jozef van der (25 -5-1989). Behavioural Consequences of Chronic Dietary Choline Enrichment. Promotores: prof. dr. J. Vossen and prof. dr. J. Jolles. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (formerly Katholic University Nijmegen).
  • 1. Brand, Nico (12-6-1987). Memory, Information Processing and Depression. Promotor prof. dr. J. Jolles. Universiteit Maastricht.

9. Dissertation Jelle Jolles 1980 (Universiteit Utrecht)

  • 0. Jolles, Jelle (25 -11-1980). Neuropeptides, Brain Membrane Phosphorylation and Grooming Behaviour. Promotores: prof. dr. W.H. Gispen and prof. dr. D. de Wied. Universiteit Utrecht.
Afb promotie prof. dr. Jelle Jolles, 1980